Hopi & HWY 191

A collection of exhibitions created between 2003 and 2006 in response to a heartbreaking loss and culminating in my MFA thesis exhibition.

Death No. 109

Artist book from scrap car pieces, stamped, hand stitched, and bound with car window weather stripping.

The Well of Grief

Installation of photographic murals and altered found objects.

Hopi & HWY 191

Original text/story printed on mulberry paper, sanded and folded into an accordion book, placed in a found suitcase, with silk lining and tray. 8x10 silber gelatin photograph printed on 11x14 Agfa fiber paper and secured to bottom of suitcase structure.

Post-mortem of a Survivor

2.5” x 6” stereographic cards. Medium format still life photography, scanned, collaged, and printed on Epson Velvet Fine Art paper.

Surrendering to the coolness and the pull of my fingers

Masters of Fine Arts thesis exhibition in combination with written thesis, 2006, The University of Michigan. Installation of 8 stereographic optical devices and 8, 2.5” x 6”, stereographic digital photographic collage cards inset into custom structure built within the gallery.


Rhythm: Imprint/Exprint